Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Beer, Bible Study, and Discussion

For nearly a month a group of UBFM have been coming together to make burritos, have fellowship, unwind and discuss random topics. The topics are usually bible related in some way or another but not limited to. We try to stay as open minded and ecumenical as possible with this discussion so it is a place for any and everybody.

UBFM members, Lyle Udell and Christian Lemon have hosted the meetings at their homes but we are open to anyone who is interested in hosting.

Here is a post from Lyle in regard to last night's meeting:

Great Burrito Making & Bible Study Event last night! Thanks to fellow burrito makers Sheri Ring, Christian Lemon, Shannon Lemon, and Jill Steele who cranked out 78 burritos to add to those we distribute tonight!
This morning I found an interesting commentary (see below) on a portion of one of the verses we shared last night (2 Corinthians 2:14 - But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession...) :
"The Greek, is rather, as in Col 2:15, "triumphs over us": "leadeth us in triumph." Paul regarded himself as a signal trophy of God's victorious power in Christ. His Almighty Conqueror was leading him about, through all the cities of the Greek and Roman world, as an illustrious example of His power at once to subdue and to save. The foe of Christ was now the servant of Christ. As to be led in triumph by man is the most miserable, so to be led in triumph by God is the most glorious, lot that can befall any [Trench]. Our only true triumphs are God's triumphs over us. His defeats of us are our only true victories [Alford]. The image is taken from the triumphal procession of a victorious general. The additional idea is perhaps included, which distinguishes God's triumph from that of a human general, that the captive is brought into willing obedience (2Co 10:5) to Christ, and so joins in the triumph: God "leads him in triumph" as one not merely triumphed over, but also as one triumphing over God's foes with God." (Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary)

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